Connectivity Solutions
Since the 1960s, and from humble beginnings in the forests of Vancouver Island installing bush radios and performing aircraft maintenance, through work on LORAN radio navigation and Trimble GPS systems, to early GPS development and DynaNav’s hand in its modern implementation, as well as our recent partnership with Icom, DynaNav staff possess extensive experience in aircraft electronics and telecommunications technology.
We have accomplished a lot. You can count on us for your custom telemetry applications. See below for some recent examples of modern telecom technology we are dealing in.
If you would like to configure a custom solution for your remote data application, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask us what we can do for you.
DynaNav Telemetry: SkyNet
Our DynaFlight 3 and Vektor MAX systems come with their own versions of DynaNav’s Advanced Flight Computer, which features embedded electronics for SkyNet: DynaNav’s aircraft-to-aircraft and aircraft-to-ground telemetry solution. Functioning like wireless open-architecture RS232 with up to 25 miles of range, job files, location tracking, and other data can be transferred securely between aircraft, and to the ground, even while flying, without reliance on cellular connectivity.
DynaFlight SeisBag: In the late 1990’s, DynaNav developed a dedicated GPS guidance and navigation system for seismic equipment deployment and retrieval (see SeisBag II system). SeisBag II is a Helicopter Navigation Waypoint Management System used for the oil and gas exploration industry in the prairies and forests of North America to the jungles of the Peruvian Amazon, and has been actively supported for over twenty years. A typical scenario involves multiple helicopters sending and receiving live data to and from ground base such as location tracking, flight plan updates, waypoints, and seismic drops/retrievals, updating every 2 seconds or less.
As an advantage of being developed before the widespread adoption of cellular data systems, SkyNet doesn’t rely on cellular connectivity, which may not exist in the remote areas this type of work is carried out.
Custom Wireless Telemetry Applications
Telemetry: DynaNav Skynet can be adapted for ground use. Features and capabilities:
- RS232, RS422, RS485 (etc.) long-range extension, up to 25 miles (less if obstructed).
- Spread-spectrum technology for better coverage.
- Conversion between RS protocols.
- Encryption.
- Signal overlap prevention via multiple channels.
Internet (Wi-Fi): DynaNav can help you install long-range network extensions. Features and capabilities:
- Secure, weatherproof, heavy-duty, paired parabolic antenna system.
- Up to three miles line-of-sight range, with add-on capability of routers and boosters for solid interior coverage.
- High-speed (300Mbps+) extension.
- Equip multiple links in series to extend internet range around obstacles, virtually indefinitely.
Example Application: Av Fuel Pump Project
Connecting in a fuel pump located on one side of an airport to the pump management base located on the other side required a better solution than a 4000-foot run of cables. DynaNav worked with multiple manufacturers to develop a system capable of integrating the pumps and point-of-sale transaction terminals. It involved installing secure, long-range internet and RS232 telemetry uplinks on either side, along with custom RS232/RS422 converter adapters, as well as remote security camera monitoring.